Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How the groups will work

We had a very productive meeting online on Friday. The logistics group will act like the glue for the conference, interfacing with each of the other groups and making sure that there is coordination between groups. In order to work in the groups, students will need have goals, tasks, and schedules for their groups.

Perhaps the most difficult work will be for the Partners and Sponsors. We have only heard from one potential partner in the US. Getting international participation has been difficult. I hope we will be able to identify some contacts soon.

The class was bit disappointed we were closed out of the online conference put on by the University of Manitoba (copyright/copyleft). However, we were able to access the discussion area and students have been asked to review the elluminate recording so they can get a sense of what an online conference looks like. In addition, I am hoping we can get some direction as to what the legal parameters are to a conference such as this. What content can be posted? Are there copyright laws concerning artifacts left by the conference? Who would own that content? Will copyright laws require that we get "contracts" for presenters? Are these types of online conferences restricted due to copyright laws?